
  • zaxx posted an update in the group Group logo of The Filipino Mind RevolutionThe Filipino Mind Revolution 9 years, 6 months ago

    From GRP.
    [Add says: July 30, 2015 at 3:50 am
    Daan Matuwid, as a concept or notion, was a good start. ADB estimates that 40% of the PHL Budget goes to corruption. Gosh, that is PHP 4OB for every 100B; that is a lot of money wasted when you think the Budget now is multi trillion. No wonder they could give P500 to 1000 per voter during election and still spend 10to 15B per presidential candidate for watchers, TV ads, and sorties. Only crazy guys can run for president in PHL. It is a competition on who got the most kickback, and that is what we call election.]

    How do you dismantle this machinery that is the lifeblood of politics in PH? People are just resigned to the reality that that’s how things operate. Can’t these candidates just post their platforms and speeches online so we can get rid of all the unnecessary propaganda and rallies? The necessity to spend billions to fund campaigns has all got to stop. There has to be a better, more efficient, and Zaxxun way to do it.